| Learning and Computing | Education | Computing | Psychology | Artificial Intelligence |
About Robert W. Lawler

Dr. Robert W. Lawler, Emeritus Professor of Education and Computing at Purdue, has a dual background in engineering and education. He has designed and developed educational materials for students ranging in age from pre-k to post-secondary.He has written and edited six books and numerous related articles on the themes of Cognition and Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Education, and Case Studies and Computing.

For a decade spanning the sixties and seventies, Lawler designed and implemented database and telecommunication software and systems in IBM customer locations. To spend more time at research and with children, he joined the MIT Logo Project in its periods of the development and public introduction of the Logo computing language. Later at The World Center for Computers and Human Development (Paris), at GTE's Fundamental Research Laboratory, and then at Purdue University, he continued to explore how computing and computational ideas could be used to address profound issues of psychology and needs of education.

After retiring early from his professorship, Lawler built the website NLCSA.net , Natural Learning Case Study Archives to present and share past and ongoing materials and analyses.

| Learning and Computing | Education | Computing | Psychology | Artificial Intelligence |